phonetic code - translation to russian
Online Dictionary

phonetic code - translation to russian

Phonetic pillow; Phonetic pillows; Phonetic Pillows

phonetic code      
фонетический код
phonetic notation         
  • IPA
Phonetic notation; Phonetic representation; Narrow transcription; Broad transcription; Phonetic script; Narrow notation; Broad notation; Narrow versus broad transcription; Phonetic value; Phonemic notation; Broad and narrow transcription; Narrow phonetic transcription
phonetic notation фонетическая транскрипция
phonetic notation         
  • IPA
Phonetic notation; Phonetic representation; Narrow transcription; Broad transcription; Phonetic script; Narrow notation; Broad notation; Narrow versus broad transcription; Phonetic value; Phonemic notation; Broad and narrow transcription; Narrow phonetic transcription

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фонетическая транскрипция


Международная фонетическая ассоциация
(МФА; International Phonetic Association)

международная научная организация, ставящая своей целью развитие фонетики (См. Фонетика) и различных практических её приложений, в частности распространение фонетического метода преподавания иностранных языков. Основана в Париже (1886) как Фонетическая ассоциация преподавателей живых языков (переименована в 1897). Одна из центральных задач МФА - пропаганда наиболее распространённого из всех существующих международного фонетического алфавита (принят во всех пособиях по фонетике западноевропейских языков), созданного в 1888 и пересмотренного в последний раз в 1951. МФА издаёт журнал "Le Maître Phonétique" (1886-), в котором публикуются транскрибированные тексты на различных языках мира и статьи по общей и частной фонетике, а также приложения к журналу - брошюры с разнообразной фонетической тематикой. Например, в 1911 вышел очерк русского произношения Л. В. Щербы, в котором впервые было дано определение фонемы как смыслоразличительной звуковой единицы. Высший орган МФА - Совет из представителей 15 стран (1970); президент - С. К. Чаттерджи (Индия), секретарь - А. К. Гимсон (Англия). Штаб-квартира МФА - в Лондоне. Рабочие языки - французский и английский.

Лит.: The Principles of the International Phonetic Association, L., 1949.

Л. Р. Зиндер.


Louis Colaianni

Louis Colaianni (born April 29, 1959 in Paterson, New Jersey) is an American voice, speech, dialect and text coach and director in the professional theatre, with specialisation in Shakespeare performance.

He has taught in many actor-training programs and served as voice and text coach for productions at theatres throughout the United States, including, Santa Fe Opera, Playwrights Horizons, The Culture Project, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Westport Country Playhouse, The McCarter Theatre, The Labyrinth Theatre, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Kansas City Repertory Theatre, Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, Arizona Theatre Company, Shakespeare Santa Cruz, Shakespeare Festival of St Louis, Trinity Repertory Theatre, Utah Shakespearean Festival and Seattle Repertory Theatre.

He was a tenured, associate professor at University of Missouri–Kansas City. He is a visiting associate professor at Yale School of Drama, where he teaches Voice into Shakespeare, and adjunct associate professor at Syracuse University, Department of Drama, where he teaches Speech and Dialects. For seven years, he taught Acting Classics at the Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University, and for several years, taught Acting Classics and Voice at Vassar College, as adjunct associate professor. Louis Colaianni has given workshops internationally. He invented the Phonetic Pillows approach to Phonetics and Stage Accents which is used by many actor training programs. He studied voice with Kristin Linklater and is a Designated Linklater Teacher.

He is the author of several books including, The Joy of Phonetics and Accents, Shakespeare's Names: A New Pronouncing Dictionary, Bringing Speech to Life (with Claudia Anderson), and How to Speak Shakespeare (with Cal Pritner).

He recently served as dialect coach for the Amazon Prime series Red Oaks and the Santa Fe Opera production of Mozart's The Impresario directed by Michael Gieleta, Off-Broadway production of Eve Ensler's play Emotional Creature, directed by Jo Bonney, the Williamstown Theatre Festival production of June Moon directed by Jessica Stone and the LAByrinth Theater Company production of The Little Flower of East Orange, by Stephen Adly Guirgis, directed by Philip Seymour Hoffman. He was dialect coach to Bill Murray for the films Hyde Park on Hudson and St. Vincent, Don Cheadle for the film Miles Ahead, Anna Gunn for the film Little Red Wagon, Richard Schiff for the McCarter Theatre's Talley's Folly, under the supervision of Lanford Wilson, and America Ferrera (prep) for the film Chavez. He was vocal coach to Will Ferrell for the Broadway and HBO productions of You're Welcome America.

Louis Colaianni's father, James F. Colaianni, was an author, theologian and activist who wrote Married Priests and Married Nuns and The Catholic Left, and was editor of Ramparts.

Pronunciation examples for phonetic code
1. This is a phonetic code,